We are so happy that you are here, and have elected to use our Purple Ocean platform to practice your talents and run your business!
Since the world of psychic readings and spiritual guidance is vast and diverse, Purple Ocean advisors must rely on a wealth of knowledge and resources in order to provide top-notch, quality services to their clients.
As an advisor on Purple Ocean, one of the key tools at your disposal is the Purple Ocean knowledge base, a treasure trove of information that can help navigate the path to success.
The Purple Ocean knowledge base is a comprehensive repository of frequently asked questions (FAQs), articles, and guides designed to assist advisors in understanding the platform, optimizing profiles, and improving service delivery.
Key Articles for New Advisors
For new advisors just starting out on the Purple Ocean platform, there are several key articles in the knowledge base that can help you hit the ground running.
What are the rules for advisors on Purple Ocean?
What services are allowed on Purple Ocean?
How do I set my availability for different products?
How can I proactively interact with my clients?
What is the connection fee and how is it charged?
What is Purple Garden, and how do I become an advisor there, too?
I’m experiencing technical difficulties. What do I do?
How can I access and use the Advisor Suite- the web-based advisor tool?
Can I message my clients? Can they message me?
Explore our knowledge base today to unlock the secrets to success as a Purple Ocean advisor!
If you have any questions on how Purple Ocean works, please feel free to reach out to us at support@purpleocean.co.
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