What are Tryouts?

Noa Runes
Noa Runes
  • Updated

What are Tryouts?

This is a wonderful opportunity to be introduced to new clients who have the potential of becoming regular clients! 

Tryouts allow proven, loyal Purple Garden clients to occasionally try an advisor for free. Clients can earn a Tryout credit for a 5 minute live reading based on their spending.


These clients will only be able to apply that free credit to advisors opted in, with whom they haven't ordered in at least 1 year. 

Tryouts will give you top exposure to VIP clients in the Purple Garden app. When clients earn a Tryout credit, they will see all advisors available for this feature with whom they're eligible to order.

How do I enable Tryouts?

+. You can leave the switch toggled to the "on" position even when you're not available for readings. You won't receive any orders unless you have one or more live features enabled. 

*Don’t have live features? Contact support to see if you’re eligible!

How often can I receive a Tryout order?

We know that your time is valuable. When you have the Tryouts feature enabled, we will limit the amount of readings you can receive from these clients. You may receive a few a day, or you may go weeks in between Tryout orders, as it all depends on client and advisor participation.

Can clients leave reviews on Tryout readings?

No. Clients will not be able to leave reviews on free Tryout readings. 

Will Tryouts affect my homepage placement?

If you opt in to Tryouts, you will be featured in a “Tryout” category in the Purple Garden app to participating clients who have earned a Tryout credit. Clients who aren’t eligible for Tryout credits will not be shown any details in the app.

You will also be shown in a new category, "Suggested Advisors," all the times on the Purple Ocean app. Advisors opted in will also get a little boost in homepage placement.
Will the app inform me that the order is a Tryout?
Yes. There will be an orange icon alerting you that the order is a Tryout. The countdown timer during the live reading will also indicate how much time is left in the initial 5 minute duration.

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