How do I place an order with a psychic advisor?

Noa Runes
Noa Runes
  • Updated
It's simple to place an order with one of our talented psychic advisors:
  1. Select a psychic advisor from the home page. Make your selection by tapping the photo of the advisor of your choice. This will bring you to the advisor's bio page.
  2. Tap the order button of your choosing. This will bring you to the order screen.
  3. Here, you may type in a Subject and a Description in the fields titled as such. If you wish to send a text only order, simply filling out these fields is all you need to do, and you can proceed to step 7.
  4. To add a video, tap "Add a video." (depending on which device you're using, you may have to scroll up slightly to see the "Add a video" option.)
  5. You will be asked to allow permission to the Purple Ocean app to access your video camera. 
  6. After this, simply record the video, and it will be uploaded to our server and presented to your chosen advisor.
  7. Tap "submit".
Easy peasy! Your advisor will send you a reading within 24 hours. 

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